“Everyone has something to benefit from AMRE Finance, from our fundraising activities to our win-win partnership program, reward program, and secret sauce. Join us today, let us employ our heads, hearts, and hands in a selfless labour of love to build the most trusted, inclusive, and rewarding digital financial community.”
Dear Community,
I am very pleased to welcome you to AMRE Finance and to provide you with more information about the organization. I founded AMRE Finance with a couple of like-minded peers some years back when COVID-19 was at its peak. I have one question in mind: How might we reduce socio-economic inequalities between Africa and the rest of the world? After subjecting this question to the Design Thinking process, we concluded that we would solve this problem by uplifting Africa’s creative, communal, altruistic, and entrepreneurial spirit if we could create a trusted, inclusive, and rewarding digital financial community for Africa.

AMRE Finance in its current form, is a two-sided online platform where BACKERS give back to their communities by donating to social impact projects that are running a fundraising campaign on the platform. This is in service of the AMRE Finance mission, which is in line with two United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) namely to reduce socio-economic inequalities between communities (SDG 10) using innovative technological solutions to mobilize financial resources and create financial inclusion (SDG 17.3 and SDG17.8).

AMRE Finance is also a two-sided digital financial community. On one side, are the BACKERS, comprising of kind-hearted, educated, and successful middle-class+ Africans living on the continent and in the diaspora, friends of Africa around the world, charitable foundations, donor organizations, family offices, and businesses with corporate social responsibility (CSR) budgets. On the other side, are the CREATORS, comprising creative, talented, and entrepreneurial minds engaged in love’s labour to create an impact in Africa and beyond, such as vetted community organizations, social impact entrepreneurs, and creative talents.
At AMRE Finance, we believe that the journey towards digitalization is irreversible, hence any sustainable solution will be underpinned by digital technology. We also know that trust is one of the biggest challenges faced by Africa and most less developed communities. That is why the AMRE Finance founding team comprises peers with a proven track record of holding the highest standards of ethics and conduct, who have immense experience in implementing watertight technological, financial, and risk management systems that will reduce information asymmetry between backers and creators.

AMRE Finance is a rewarding financial community because everyone has something to benefit from through its fundraising program for creators, a win-win partnership program for brand ambassadors, community leaders, and technical experts, referral and first 25,000 subscribers reward program, and its secret sauce called the AMRE. Details of the fundraising program, win-win partnership, reward program, and secret sauce will be published in subsequent articles on the AMRE Finance Blog.
I very much look forward to you joining us to employ our heads, hearts, and hands in this selfless labour of love to build a most rewarding digital financial community for each of us and posterity.

Thank you in advance.
Taciturnus, AMRE Finance